New Jersey Leaders To Leaders

Important NJL2L Registration Notice

The NJ Leaders to Leaders program is the sole state-approved comprehensive mentoring and induction program for new school leaders; this residency is a New Jersey state requirement for all new, board-approved administrators in a permanent position requiring a Standard Principal Certificate. Upon board approval for any position requiring a Standard Principal Certificate, newly hired administrators are required (N.J.A.C 6A:9B-12.5) to obtain their Provisional Principal Certificate through the NJDOE’s NJ Education Certification System and register for the NJ Leaders to Leaders program without delay.

NJL2L At A Glance

New Jersey Leaders to Leaders (NJL2L) is the sole State-approved comprehensive mentoring and induction program for new school leaders that provides trained mentors and a range of continuing professional development program and services to support new school leaders in successful completion of the State-required Two-Year Residency for Standard Principal Certification.

Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other

-John F. Kennedy

NJL2L Fees

Resident Registration Fee


  • Two Year administrative fee
  • Credit Card payments or purchase orders
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Mentor Fees to be paid by residents


  • Year 1 Mentor Stipend - $1500
  • Year 2 Mentor Stipend - $1,000

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FEA Mission

The FEA is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing school leadership in New Jersey through professional development, service, scholarships, and support for research and dissemination In the field of educational leadership. The NJL2L Program is one of many programs and services offered to school leaders in New Jersey.