Important NJL2L Registration Notice

All school districts with new school administrators (Principals. Assistant Principals, Directors, and Assistant Directors) are required to register their new administrators on our website. Please use our registration form to enroll your new administrators today. Please note that supervisors, or positions with job descriptions that do not require a principal certification, are not eligible for this program.

Program Contacts:

James J. Sarto, Ed.S.
New Jersey Leader-To-Leader Program
(609) 860-1200
Devon Mattson
Administrative Assistant
(609)-860-1200 ext.185

NJL2L At A Glance

New Jersey Leaders to Leaders (NJL2L) is the sole State-approved comprehensive mentoring and induction program for new school leaders that provides trained mentors and a range of continuing professional development program and services to support new school leaders in successful completion of the State-required Two-Year Residency for Standard Principal Certification.

State-Required Residency

All individuals who hold a Certificate of Eligibility for Principal and were hired as of July 1, 2005 into positions that require principal certification (i.e. principal, vice/assistant principal, director, assistant director) must complete the State-Required Two-Year Residency and be assessed by a trained State-Approved Mentor who will recommend the Resident for Standard Principal Certification upon successful completion of the Residency at the end of the two-year program. Following receipt of the State-Required Documents at the beginning of the residency, the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) issues a two-year Provisional Certification for the term of the Residency.

NJL2L Program Design

NJL2L is Standards-driven and aligned with the New Jersey Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL’s) and the National Technology Standards for School Administrators. The NJL2L program is designed to provide intensive and sustained mentoring support for new school leaders and develops a professional network among Mentors and Residents as they begin to face the complexity of their new roles and engage in a range of job-embedded Residency experiences.

The Year 1 Residency requires a minimum of 46 mentoring and professional development contact hours, and the Year 2 Residency requires a minimum of 35 mentoring and professional development contact hours. Mentoring consists of school visits, observations, one-on-one conferences, monthly Peer Support Group meetings that provide an opportunity for “team mentoring” where Mentors and Residents from different districts come together to network, discuss their experiences, and provide collegial support. Residents and their Mentors begin NJL2L with a New Resident Orientation where the Resident completes an on-line (NJPSA Website) Standards-Based Self-Assessment and begin to plan their Residency experiences. The State requires that Mentors complete five (5) assessments during the Two-Year Residency (four formative and one summative). At the completion of two years, Mentors recommend Residents for Standard Principal Certification if they have successfully met all State criteria for completion of the Residency.


NJl2L Mentors are trained and State-approved. Mentors are selected based on their records as accomplished school leaders and practitioners in a range of school and district leadership positions. All mentors have minimum of five successful years as a principal. Mentors are paired with Residents based on the most suitable match of each mentor’s administrative experience and expertise, and the particular circumstances of each Residency position. Mentors and Residents will have the opportunity to meet before beginning the Residency to determine if the “fit” is right for each of them. The pairing may be changed at any time if either Mentor or Resident requests it. Those interested in Mentoring must apply to NJL2L and complete the State-required NJL2L Mentor Training Program.

Registration Process

The hiring district is required to register each new school leader by clicking here. Districts will receive confirmation of the registration. When the registration, and $850 registration fee is received by the NJL2L, along with all primary start-up documents including a current administrative job description, Mentors will contact the Residents with whom they are paired within two (2) weeks of the district’s documents for the Residency.

Registration Fee (for residents who will begin their residency on or after July 1, 2019)

The Two Year administrative fee of $850 is submitted to the FEA (Foundation for Educational Administration). Credit Card payments or purchase orders (download the Payment Form for Payment by Credit) may be faxed (609) 860-6677 or emailed to Check will be made out to FEA and submitted to:

A revised plan to streamline the payment process has been developed. As of July 1, 2010, residents will pay their mentors directly. The fee for year-one mentoring should be payable in the following manner:

FEA c/o NJL2L 12 Centre Drive Monroe Township, NJ 08331-1564

Please attach check or Payment by Credit Card Form when submitting your resident documents.

Mentor Fees

The Year 1 Mentor Stipend of $1500 must be paid by the Resident to the Mentor by the end of the 10th month.

The Year 2 Mentor Stipend of $1,000 must be paid by the Resident to the Mentor by the end of the 20th month.

FEA Mission

The FEA is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing school leadership in New Jersey through professional development, service, scholarships, and support for research and dissemination In the field of educational leadership. The NJL2L Program is one of many programs and services offered to school leaders in New Jersey.